Medigram, the Wisconsin Medical Society’s electronic newsletter for physicians, features timely news, upcoming events, answers to frequently asked questions and the information you need to make your practice run more efficiently. Topics include legislative updates, legal information, practice management information, government regulations, and much more. Medigram is delivered via email on Thursdays.

If you have a Medigram story idea or would like to offer feedback, please email us or call 866.442.3800.

District 7 wins GO PAC GO for a second year in a row; fifth quarter opportunity
Congratulations to fourth quarter MVP Corey Cronrath, MD, of District 7! Dr. Cronrath’s contribution helped District 7 win GO PAC GO and the Wisconsin Medical Society stay in the game! District 7’s Eau Claire area physicians once again show how to get in the game.

September 20 abortion law webinar to include physician perspective
With many questions surrounding the status of Wisconsin’s abortion-related law following the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June 2022, the Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) is offering members a special webinar with legal experts to describe the current legal landscape.

Review Board of Directors’ actions on policy proposals
The Wisconsin Medical Society’s Board of Directors recently acted on four policy proposals submitted in the last policy submission period on PolicyLink. The actions to approve two new policies were part of the Board’s September 10 meeting, held virtually.

Nominate a young physician and superhero of medicine
The Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation is seeking nominations for the Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., MD, Young Physician Leadership Award and Superhero of Medicine Award which will be presented at the Foundation’s Annual Dinner on April 14, 2023, in Madison. The nomination deadline is November 1.

Markets, elections and your portfolio
While we all want steady growth of our investments, it can feel like riding a bike with a 6-year-old. Sometimes we’re at top speed cruising down the hill, sometimes we’re slowly walking with our bike at our side and sometimes we’re sitting on the curb tending to a skinned knee.

WCMEW Summit to feature physician panel
This year’s Wisconsin Council on Medical Education and Workforce (WCMEW) Summit, scheduled for October 13 at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells, will feature a 2-hour session on "Building and Retaining the Physician Workforce in Wisconsin.”

District 7 wins GO PAC GO for a second year in a row; fifth quarter opportunity


Congratulations to fourth quarter MVP Corey Cronrath, MD, of District 7! Dr. Cronrath’s contribution helped District 7 win GO PAC GO and the Wisconsin Medical Society stay in the game! District 7’s Eau Claire area physicians once again show how to get in the game. 

If every district would have contributed at least $3,000, we would have met our goal of $25,000. As of now, we’re at $12,650, so the game will be extended for a short fifth quarter to allow for districts to celebrate this fundraising effort and raise some more money for WISMedPACYou have until next Wednesday at noon to get off the bench and help our advocacy efforts. Please consider making a contribution to WISMedPAC or WISMedDIRECT today! If you’re unsure of which district you’re in, view the map here.

Congratulations again to District team 7! Their win will be celebrated soon with a cocktail party in Eau Claire.

Thank you to everyone who contributed, and if you’re still on the bench, give Heidi Green a call at 608.358.6116 or email [email protected] to get your name on the scoreboard or contribute online.


$1,500 - $1,999
Corey Cronrath, MD, District 7
Paul Werstch, MD, District 2

$1,000 - $1,499
Joshua Balts, MD, District 7
Dan Bennett, MD, District 2
Donn Dexter, MD, District 7
Thomas Joles, MD, District 7
Don Lee, MD, District 1
Jose Ortiz, MD, District 7
Ken Pechman, MD, District 6

$500 - $999
David Hoffmann, MD, District 3

$1 - $499
Alicia Arnold, MD, District 7
Steve Bergin, MD, District 4
Andrew Duncanson, DO, District 4
Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, District 1
Richard Hanna, MD, District 7
Taj M. Kattapuram, MD, District 3
Kenneth Klein, MD, District 2
Josha Osamu Endo, MD, District 2
Tosha Wetterneck, MD, District 2
Katheryn Wilkinson, MD, District 1


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September 20 abortion law webinar to include physician perspective

With many questions surrounding the status of Wisconsin’s abortion-related law following the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in June 2022, the Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) is offering members a special webinar with legal experts to describe the current legal landscape. Attorneys from the Madison law firm Pines Bach will present “Providing Patient Care Post-Dobbs: A Look at Wisconsin Abortion Law” live at noon on Tuesday, September 20, including time for Q&A. Lisa Barroilhet, MD, Gynecologic Oncologist and a leader in preserving reproductive rights, will also provide a medical perspective during part of the program.

The presentation will also be recorded and available on-demand for a limited time. Register for this members-only event here. There is no cost for this WisMed member benefit. If you have questions about the current status of Wisconsin law you think should be covered in the program, please contact WisMed Chief Policy and Advocacy Officer Mark Grapentine, JD.

About Dr. Barroilhet:

Dr. Barroilhet

Dr. Barroilhet is an Associate Professor in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and recently served as the Interim Chair of the Department. In that role, she has been a leader in preserving reproductive rights in Wisconsin after the Dobbs decision. She was recently appointed as the Dolores Buchler Endowed Professor in Gynecologic Oncology and was awarded tenure in 2021. Her primary research interest is the early detection and prevention of ovarian cancer, particularly in high-risk patients. She has been the recipient of the NCI Clinical Care Team Leadership Award, a K12 career development award and is currently a GOG Scholar Investigator. Her NIH-funded laboratory focuses on small molecule inhibitors that alter cellular metabolism as a mechanism for preventing cancer.

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WisMed Legislative Wrap-Up: Highlights of WisMed's advocacy this biennium

Review Board of Directors’ actions on policy proposals

Help shape WisMed Advocacy - share your policy proposals

The Wisconsin Medical Society’s (Society) Board of Directors (Board) recently acted on four policy proposals submitted in the last policy submission period on PolicyLink. The actions to approve two new policies were part of the Board’s September 10 meeting, held virtually (one policy was more directive for the organization’s AMA delegation, and two proposals were combined into one new policy). Members will be able to weigh in with their thoughts on the new policies via PolicyLink from September 16 through September 30. The feedback is advisory to the Board.

The new policies include:

Medicaid Reimbursement for the Collaborative Care Model for Mental Health

The Wisconsin Medical Society supports the use of start-up grants for clinics – especially in rural Wisconsin – to assist with the cost of implementing the Collaborative Care Model in clinics across the state of Wisconsin.

The Society also supports Medicaid coverage and reimbursement for Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) and Healthcare Common procedure Coding System (HCPCS) billing codes for the Collaborative Care Model for mental health.

Third-Party Interference with Reproductive and Other Medical Care

The Wisconsin Medical Society opposes the imposition of civil and criminal penalties or other retaliatory efforts against physicians, patients, patient advocates, health care workers and health systems for providing, referring patients to, assisting in or receiving evidence-based reproductive health services.

The Society affirms that government and other third-party interference in evidence-based medical care compromises the sanctity of the physician-patient relationship and undermines the provision of quality health care, and opposes any government regulation or legislative action which would criminalize physicians for providing evidence-based medical care within the accepted standard of care according to nationally recognized professional practice guidelines and the scope of a physician's training and professional judgment.

The Board’s September 10 actions are just the latest example of the Society’s inclusive, transparent and year-round process for establishing the advocacy-guiding policies. What was formerly a once-per-year, in-person process is now vibrant and nimble, allowing the state’s largest physician member organization to more readily impact a rapidly changing health care environment. You can view all of the Society’s policies in the Policy Compendium. Contact Chief Policy and Advocacy Officer Mark Grapentine, JD with any questions.

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Nominate a young physician and superhero of medicine

The Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation is seeking nominations for the Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., MD, Young Physician Leadership Award and Superhero of Medicine Award which will be presented at the Foundation’s Annual Dinner on April 14, 2023, in Madison. The nomination deadline is November 1.

The Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., MD, Young Physician Award was established in 2006 in memory of Kenneth M. Viste, Jr., MD, who was an active volunteer in his community and an advocate for patients and the profession of medicine at the state and national levels. Consider nominating a young physician from your area who has demonstrated a commitment to their patients, the community and the profession of medicine. A young physician is defined as a licensed Wisconsin physician, who is less than 40 years old or in the first eight years of practice after residency and fellowship training. A nomination form can be found here.

Superhero flying

The Superhero of Medicine Award recognizes Wisconsin physicians who live out the mission of the Foundation to an exemplary degree, going above and beyond to improve the health of their patients and/or community. Superheroes of Medicine work passionately to help individual patients and/or fight to improve health by reducing barriers to care and improving health education, prevention or treatment. Preference is given to Wisconsin Medical Society member physicians involved in a program of the Foundation or a project supported by the Foundation through a grant or other partnership. Both the nominating physician and the nominee must be licensed Wisconsin physicians. To nominate a Superhero of Medicine physician, click here.

In addition to presenting the recipients with an engraved award, the Foundation will make a contribution to a charitable organization chosen by each honoree.

For more information on these awards, contact Elizabeth Ringle at 608.442.3789. The nomination deadline is November 1.

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WisMed Assure - Insurance Solutions for the health care community

Markets, elections and your portfolio

While we all want steady growth of our investments, it can feel like riding a bike with a 6-year-old. Sometimes we’re at top speed cruising down the hill, sometimes we’re slowly walking with our bike at our side and sometimes we’re sitting on the curb tending to a skinned knee. Investing in 2022 has all the above. Please watch this 3-minute video for more about:

  • So goes July, so goes the rest of the year?
  • Long-term U.S. stock returns and elections
  • Mid-term elections and the stock market
  • U.S. GDP and recessions
  • Recession asset class performance
  • High stock and bond correlation
  • Percent of asset classes that lost money
  • Investing can feel turbulent


Webinars exclusively for WisMed members: Medicare, Retirement, Tax Planning, Social Security

Be sure to join us for one or all of our upcoming education sessions on Medicare, Year-end Tax Planning and 6 Keys to Retirement. Click here to register. 

For personalized help eliminating debt, investing smart and securing retirement, please contact Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF® 608.442.3750.

WisMed Financial
Mark Ziety

Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF®
WisMed Financial, Inc. part of the Wisconsin Medical Society.


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WCMEW Summit to feature physician panel

This year’s Wisconsin Council on Medical Education and Workforce (WCMEW) Summit, scheduled for October 13 at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells, will feature a 2-hour session on “Building and Retaining the Physician Workforce in Wisconsin.” 

The agenda will also include:

Setting the Stage

1:50 - 2:20     

     National perspectives – Rich Roberts, MD

  • Where are things going in the future?
  • What are the challenges?
  • What strategies and actions can really work for recruitment and retention?
  • How can we get doctors where they are needed?

2:20 - 2:40     

     Wisconsin focus – Lisa Dodson, MD

  • Overall physician workforce trends
  • UME/GME trends
  • Current UME/GME pipeline

2:40 - 3:20     

Panel Discussion – challenges/barriers/opportunities for improvement

  • Carl Chan, MD – MCW Dept. of Psychiatry
  • Larry Pfeifer – Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians
  • Ann O’Rourke, MD – UW Dept. of Surgery
  • Lou Sanner, MD – UW Dept. of Family Medicine
  • Alexis Meyer – MCW Admissions
  • Joe Holt, MD – UW WARM Program

3:20 - 3:50     

“Blue Sky” discussion – develop goals/priorities for future efforts

3:50 - 4:00     

Wrap-up and Next Steps

Why attend? The Summit will highlight:

  1. Wisconsin’s current and future workforce challenges.
  2. Real-world examples of innovations in our education and training pipeline.
  3. How communities are finding ways to attract and retain their healthcare workforce now and into the future.
  4. How we can work together to build the future workforce we need.
  5. Provide interdisciplinary, cross-sector attendees with ample opportunities to network, share successes and challenges and participate in forming new and creative solutions.

The full agenda for the entire day and registration information are available here.

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