Medigram, the Society’s electronic newsletter for physicians, features timely news, upcoming events, answers to frequently asked questions and all the information you need to know to make your practice run more efficiently. Topics include legislative updates, legal information, practice management information, government regulations, and much more. Published weekly, Medigram is delivered via email on Thursdays.

If you have a Medigram story idea or would like to offer feedback, please email us or call 866.442.3800.

WisMed COVID-19 Task Force weighs in on vaccine distribution
As the State of Wisconsin continues to manage the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines it receives from the federal government, the Wisconsin Medical Society’s (Society) COVID-19 Task Force recently weighed in on a state advisory committee’s preliminary recommendations on which cohorts should be included in the next round of vaccinations.

Virtual paint night for WisMed members
Wisconsin Medical Society members are invited to a fun, virtual paint night on Thursday, February 18 from 6 to 8 p.m.

PPP loans reminder
Physicians and clinics that received PPP loans issued in the spring of 2020 should review the reminder below from Settlers bank.

COVID-19 buttons to spark conversations with patients via WisMed and Pharmacy Society partnership
In an effort to encourage conversations with patients about healthy COVID-19 behaviors and vaccine hesitancy, the Wisconsin Medical Society’s COVID-19 Task Force developed a button that can be worn by physicians and other members of the health care team to help spark those conversations.

Medical Examining Board elects leadership for 2021; discusses CME rule
The State of Wisconsin’s Medical Examining Board (MEB) elected leaders for the 2021 calendar year at its monthly meeting on January 20.

Help shape Medical Society policies in 2021 – join a Reference Committee
The Wisconsin Medical Society (Society) is seeking a special group of members to help review policy proposals that are submitted for discussion and eventual action by the Board of Directors.

Deadline extended: WMJ call for artwork
The Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ) is seeking artwork to illustrate a special issue on the impact of race and racism on the health of people in Wisconsin.

Consider these tips to simplify and automate your finances this year
First, get organized by figuring out what you own and what you owe. This will also help with tax prep since a list of accounts will help you quickly determine if you are missing a tax form.

WisMed COVID-19 Task Force weighs in on vaccine distribution

As the State of Wisconsin continues to manage the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines it receives from the federal government, the Wisconsin Medical Society’s (Society) COVID-19 Task Force recently weighed in on a state advisory committee’s preliminary recommendations on which cohorts should be included in the next round of vaccinations. While the original proposal from the State Disaster Medical Advisory Committee (SDMAC) Vaccine Distribution Subcommittee included seniors age 70 and older in “group 1b,” the task force suggested that the state instead mimic federal guidance that sets the eligibility age at 65. The task force supported other subcommittee recommendations, as they were aimed at protecting the most vulnerable populations and their communities.

When the task force discussed the subcommittee’s recommendations at its meeting on January 14, it predicted how debates over who should be in the next priority group would likely become acrimonious. Those predictions came true just days later, with various groups ranging from teachers to grocers to the manufacturing sector all weighing in with their desires to be included in group 1b. To that end, the task force recommended that rather than the subcommittee focusing on which groups merit inclusion in future vaccination tiers, efforts might be better spent pivoting to improving vaccine distribution logistics so that the state can ensure future COVID-19 vaccine doses are efficiently administered to as many people as possible while maintaining proper safety and record-keeping protocols. The Society task force’s letter to the subcommittee can be found hereAfter receiving public comments, the SDMAC subcommittee updated its recommendations, including the removal of the age 70+ recommendation.

The SDMAC met earlier this morning (January 20) and voted unanimously to pass along to the state an amended version of that most recent document, which prioritizes those living in substitute care living facilities and congregate living settings and public-facing essential workers (with a nod to prioritizing teachers, but also including those working in public transit, food chain, mink husbandry industries and non-frontline health care personnel). The state’s Department of Health Services will review the recommendations and announce who will be included in group 1b next week.

The Society continues to engage with local public health departments about group 1a vaccination availability and is updating the county-by-county information on the Society’s COVID-19 web page.

Contact Society Chief Policy & Advocacy Officer Mark Grapentine, JD for more information.

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Virtual paint night for WisMed members

Wisconsin Medical Society members are invited to a fun, virtual paint night on Thursday, February 18 from 6 to 8 p.m.

Attendees will be mailed a kit of supplies and then will be guided through a virtual beginner-level watercolor paint class to paint a tropical leaf. Registrants just need to supply a flat work surface, pencil, 2 water cups and paper towels.

Thanks to the generous support of WisMed Assure, the event is free, but registration is required. Space is limited – don’t miss out on this fun event! Please contact Jess Bourin-Schreiter with any questions.

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PPP loans reminder

Settlers bank logo

Physicians and clinics that received PPP loans issued in the spring of 2020 should review the reminder below from Settlers bank. In the coming weeks, in partnership with Settlers bank, the Wisconsin Medical Society will provide additional information as it pertains to PPP 3.0 loans.

  • Contact your lender for details regarding the PPP Loan Forgiveness application and guidelines. Visit for more information.
  • Scheduled PPP loan payments will be automatically deferred to the earlier of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) forgiveness decision or 10 months after the eligible covered period. If you do not submit for loan forgiveness within 10 months after the end of the covered period, payments will commence according to your promissory note.
  • Complete the appropriate PPP Loan Forgiveness Application Form as soon as possible. (Use form 3508, 3508EZ or the 3508S for PPP loans of $50,000 or less. While the SBA is working to determine approval within 90 days of your lender’s receipt of your forgiveness application, SBA approval may take longer.
  • Provide your lender with supporting documentation to verify eligible cash compensation and non-cash benefits from covered period.
  • Once approved by the SBA, your lender will notify you of the amount of your PPP loan that has been forgiven.

Settlers bank is MEMBER FDIC.

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COVID-19 buttons to spark conversations with patients via WisMed and Pharmacy Society partnership

COVID-19 buttons

In an effort to encourage conversations with patients about healthy COVID-19 behaviors and vaccine hesitancy, the Wisconsin Medical Society’s COVID-19 Task Force developed a button that can be worn by physicians and other members of the health care team to help spark those conversations. Through a partnership with the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin, buttons were produced and are currently being distributed around the state.

Buttons are free to Society members, but there is a limited quantity, so requests will be filled in the order they are received. Click here to order for you and your team today.

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Medical Examining Board elects leadership for 2021; discusses CME rule

The State of Wisconsin’s Medical Examining Board (MEB) elected leaders for the 2021 calendar year at its monthly meeting on January 20. Sheldon Wasserman, MD, will continue as MEB chair for the next year – his current tenure as chair started in July 2020. Former Society President Clarence Chou, MD, was elected as vice-chair and Sumeet Goel, MD, was elected secretary. Doctors Chou and Goel are swapping the roles they held during the last half of 2020. All votes were unanimous, as each nominee was unopposed.

The MEB also continued work on an update to its administrative code related to physician CME requirements. Current regulations require physicians holding a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration number to complete 30 credits of CME each biennium, with two of those credits in opioid prescribing-related courses approved by the MEB. The MEB will continue a two-credit requirement for at least another reporting biennium, but may expand the topics of those required courses to include other controlled substances such as stimulants, as well as sub-issues like providing informed consent to patients on chronic opioid therapy. The MEB will likely continue discussing this administrative rule proposal at its February meeting.

The Wisconsin Medical Society offers a series of MEB-approved on-demand webinars. All courses have been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and maintenance of Certification Part II points for certain specialties.

Contact Wisconsin Medical Society Chief Policy & Advocacy Officer Mark Grapentine, JD for more information

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Help shape Medical Society policies in 2021 – join a Reference Committee

The Wisconsin Medical Society (Society) is seeking a special group of members to help review policy proposals that are submitted for discussion and eventual action by the Board of Directors. This group will include Society members from across the state to ensure widespread representation. The function is similar to the role Reference Committees had in the former House of Delegates structure: listening to testimony on policy proposals and making recommendations for final action to the ultimate deciding body.

The committee will include members from all eight Society districts and the young physician, resident physician and medical student sections. They will meet as needed leading up to each Society Board of Directors meeting. If you are interested in serving on this policy-reviewing committee, please fill out this form.

For more information, contact Society Chief Policy and Advocacy Officer Mark Grapentine, JD.

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Deadline extended: WMJ call for artwork

Calling all artists!

The Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ) is seeking artwork to illustrate a special issue on the impact of race and racism on the health of people in Wisconsin. The deadline for submissions has been extended to January 31, and works in the following media are invited: photography, digital design, or well-rendered photographs of painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, or textile/fiber art. The issue will be published in late February. Learn more here.   

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Consider these tips to simplify and automate your finances this year

First, get organized by figuring out what you own and what you owe. This will also help with tax prep since a list of accounts will help you quickly determine if you are missing a tax form. An account aggregation system from your financial planner will automate this process. These systems automatically import all your bank, investment and loan accounts in real time so you can see everything in one place. As a Wisconsin Medical Society member, there is no charge to use the WisMed Financial system which includes account aggregation. Just email Mark Ziety for access.

Next, automate your monthly cash flow.

  • To increase your emergency fund, retirement accounts or kids’ college savings, establish an automatic monthly contribution or increase the automatic contributions that are in place.
  • Everyone should have a budget, but they can be tedious, even for the most diligent among us. Try this trick instead. Set up a separate bank account and automatically transfer a fixed amount in each month then use this account for your discretionary spending rather than a credit card. By having a fixed monthly amount, you will be more aware of your spending, spend less and free up money for other purposes.
  • If you receive a large tax refund or pay a high tax bill on April 15, adjust your tax withholding rather than mailing estimated tax payments. Just file a federal W4 and state WT-4 with your employer.
  • If you will be in a high tax bracket in 2021, consider pretax 401(k)/403(b) contributions otherwise Roth 401(k)/403(b) contributions are preferred.

Finally, outsource to your advisors. A quick checkup with your estate attorney, financial planner, tax advisor and insurance agent is time well spent, especially if there has been a change in your finances or family.

Please contact Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF® at 608.442.3750 with any questions. 

WisMed Financial

Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF®
WisMed Financial, Inc. part of the Wisconsin Medical Society

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