Get Involved

The Wisconsin Medical Society is the only organization representing all physicians in Wisconsin regardless of specialty or practice size.

Physicians are special constituents for the policymakers representing their districts. Few elected officials have deep-rooted health care policy knowledge, so they welcome hearing from physicians about health care issues. Building a relationship with your representatives in Madison and Washington, D.C. helps add much-needed “boots on the ground” perspective to the debates happening in our Capitols.

Here are a few key ways you can get involved:

  1.    Contribute to WISMedPAC or WISMedDIRECT.
  2.    Participate in Doctor Day, an annual event event co-sponsored by the Society each year at the State Capitol in Madison.
  3.    Attend political fundraisers, provide testimony and urge your friends and patients to vote for pro-patient care candidates. For more information, contact Heidi Green.
  4.    Use your expertise by serving on a WisMed committee, council or task force. Let us know you're interested here.