Medigram, the Wisconsin Medical Society’s electronic newsletter for physicians, features timely news, upcoming events, answers to frequently asked questions and the information you need to make your practice run more efficiently. Topics include legislative updates, legal information, practice management information, government regulations, and much more. Medigram is delivered via email on Thursdays.

If you have a Medigram story idea or would like to offer feedback, please email us or call 866.442.3800. Thanks

Register for Doctor Day 2024 today!
Doctor Day 2024 is coming up quickly on January 23 in Madison. It’s early this year because it’s a busy time for lawmakers in session and therefore, important for physicians to band together and make sure our voices are heard while these decisions are being made.

Another worker’s compensation fee schedule proposed, but this time with a twist
The state of Wisconsin’s Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council completed negotiations Wednesday evening (November 29) on a proposal that would affect the state’s worker’s compensation system. One of the items included in the agreement is tasking the state’s Department of Workforce Development to create an artificial fee schedule for WC-related health care services – an element when included in past WCAC agreements has prompted strenuous opposition from the Wisconsin Medical Society and other health care groups, resulting in the state legislature rejecting that session’s proposal.

A healthy Wisconsin: improving health and supporting the next generation of medical professionals
The giving season is upon us, and the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation has an audacious goal to raise $20,000 by the end of the year to support programs that impact us all.

Help us create better resources for you – take a quick survey
WisMed Assure is working with a group of University of Wisconsin-Madison Consumer Science students who have developed a survey to better understand Wisconsin physicians at all stages of their careers so that WisMed Assure can be best positioned to serve them now and in the future.

Help guide WisMed policy: PolicyLink is open for comments
Five new policy proposals have been submitted for Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) Member review – you can add your stance and any comments now through December 4, 2023 on the members-only PolicyLink website.

Tax smart year-end planning
Let’s face it, taxes are the biggest expense most of us have. Let’s look at some year-end strategies to be tax smart and keep more of our money.

Apply for a Wisconsin Medical Society office by January 3 - get involved
Apply today for several one of several open Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) offices. All nomination materials are due to the WisMed Nominating Committee by Wednesday, January 3, 2024.

Apply to be a host site for the Community Health Internship Program
Northern Highland Wisconsin Area Health Education Center (AHEC) works to bring health professions students (future health care professionals) to northern Wisconsin communities this summer. AHEC runs a Community Health Internship Program that matches college students with an interest in community health to local health departments, tribal health centers, community health centers and community/human service organizations throughout urban and rural Wisconsin for an eight-week summer internship.

Wisconsin Literacy seeks a Health Literacy Director
Wisconsin Literacy, Inc., the leading state adult and family literacy agency in Wisconsin, seeks a Health Literacy Director to help fulfill its mission to change lives by strengthening literacy statewide.

Register for Doctor Day 2024 today!

Doctor Day Advocacy at the Capitol - Register Here

Doctor Day 2024 is coming up quickly on January 23 in Madison. It’s early this year because it’s a busy time for lawmakers in session and therefore, important for physicians to band together and make sure our voices are heard while these decisions are being made.

As always, Doctor Day is a full day of speakers, panels, issue briefings and visits at the Capitol with your elected officials and staff. Thanks to our incredible sponsors, the day is free for medical students, residents and physicians. It includes breakfast, lunch and a happy hour to end the day with food and drinks. We’re at the Concourse Hotel this year (a little bit closer to the Capitol and surrounded by great parking) and the happy hour will return again to Madison’s on King Street.

Register here and join us in an invigorating day of advocacy on behalf of your patients and profession.

Doctor Day Schedule (subject to change)
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

7:30 am - 9:00 am  Registration 

8:00 am - 9:00 am  First-Time Attendee Orientation (optional)
Whether this is your first Doctor Day or you want to make sure you are ready for your legislative meetings, this session will prepare you for Doctor Day 2024. During this session we will cover the History of Doctor Day and its multi-specialty partnership, why physician advocacy is important, do’s and don’ts of the legislative process, and more! 

9:00 am-  9:45 am  Breakout Sessions

Connection to Care: How to Build the Power to Protect Your Patients and Your Practice
Joel Charles, MD, MPH
With rising threats to our practices and our patients' health, it is more important than ever for physicians to make their voices heard together. And yet too many physicians feel a lack of agency and isolation in the face of seemingly intractable problems. Using his highly successful organization as a case study, Dr. Charles will provide an overview of best practices for how physicians can turn their values into connection with colleagues, and that connection into power to protect their practices, patients, and communities

Artificial Intelligence
William Hogan, MD, MS; Medical College of Wisconsin, Founding Director of MCW's Data Science Institute
Andrew Nencka, PhD; Medical College of Wisconsin, Associate Professor; Associate Director, Center for Imaging Research (CIR); Section of Imaging Research, Division of Imaging Sciences

9:45 am - 10:00 am  Break

10:00 am - 11:15 am  Welcome & Legislative Panel

11:15 am - 12:00 pm  Priority Issues Briefing

12:00 pm - 1:15 pm  Lunch & Prep for Legislative Visits

1:15 pm  White Coat Group Picture at the Capitol - Bring your White Coat! 

1:30 pm - 3:30 pm  Legislative Visits 
Visits will be scheduled by district and communicated to registered attendees prior to Doctor Day.

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Reception at Madison's, 119 King Street, Madison
Head over to Madison's to for food, drinks and to connect with friends and colleagues.

For any questions, contact Heidi Green at 608.358.6116. We look forward to seeing you in Madison on January 23!

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Another worker’s compensation fee schedule proposed, but this time with a twist

The state of Wisconsin’s Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council (WCAC) completed negotiations Wednesday evening (November 29) on a proposal that would affect the state’s worker’s compensation (WC) system. One of the items included in the agreement is tasking the state’s Department of Workforce Development (DWD) to create an artificial fee schedule for WC-related health care services – an element when included in past WCAC agreements has prompted strenuous opposition from the Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) and other health care groups, resulting in the state legislature rejecting that session’s proposal. Wisconsin’s history of rapid access to high quality WC care allowing workers to return to their jobs faster than their peers in other states, coupled with eight consecutive years of WC insurance premium reductions for businesses makes the reasoning for a fee schedule even more farcical than in previous sessions.

Perhaps with that history in mind, the Management and Labor members of the WCAC have taken an unprecedented approach by proposing two separate agreed-upon bills. The first bill includes Management’s fee schedule proposal, a Labor-desired change to the Permanent Total Disability rate and a proposal from state legislators related to PTSD coverage for EMTs and firefighters. The second bill appears much less controversial – it includes various items sought by Management, Labor, the insurance industry and DWD. The exact language of every element is not yet available; the accord still needs to be drafted into legislative bill form and will eventually be introduced as companion bills in the state legislature.

The WCAC includes members from the state’s business and labor communities, with non-voting insurance representatives also sitting at the bargaining table. Management and Labor meet each legislative biennium to negotiate changes to WC-related state statutes and administrative code. WisMed is one of four health care liaisons to the WCAC but does not have a vote or take part in negotiations – the liaisons are intended to help provide health care’s perspective on how proposals might affect patient care.

WisMed will work with the other health care liaisons (groups representing hospitals, chiropractors and physical therapists) in seeking removal of the unnecessary and harmful fee schedule proposal.

For more information contact WisMed's Mark Grapentine, JD.

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A healthy Wisconsin: improving health and supporting the next generation of medical professionals

Med student teaching kids to use stethoscope

The giving season is upon us, and the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation (Foundation) has an audacious goal to raise $20,000 by the end of the year to support programs that impact us all. Whether by supporting medical research, providing continuing medical education, supporting programs that encourage kids to make healthy choices and consider careers in health and medicine or through the community health grants that reach out across the state providing direct access to more than 30,000 people a year, your gift can make a difference.

Here are a few ways you can help before the end of the year.

Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation

Learn more about the Foundation’s work in our 2023 Annual Report. Together, we can do more in 2024!

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Help us create better resources for you – take a quick survey

WisMed Assure is working with a group of University of Wisconsin-Madison Consumer Science students who have developed a survey to better understand Wisconsin physicians at all stages of their careers so that WisMed Assure can be best positioned to serve them now and in the future.

Please take this quick 5–10 minute survey to help us learn more about you and your relationship with WisMed Assure. It is our hope that we receive a wide variety of responses in order to provide the students with significant quality data to help supplement their consulting project with us.

Through your participation, we will be able to generate insights about you and your peers. By participating in this study, you'll have the opportunity to shape our services and enhance our understanding of your preferences and requirements. This will help us tailor our offerings to better serve you.

To show our appreciation for your time and participation, you will be entered into a drawing to win one of five $50 Amazon gift cards. Click here to take the short survey.

It has been our pleasure to partner with an impressive group of UW Madison Consumer Science students on this initiative.

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WisMed Assure - Insurance Solutions for the health care community

Help guide WisMed policy: PolicyLink is open for comments

Help shape WisMed Advocacy - share your policy proposals

Five new policy proposals have been submitted for Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) Member review – you can add your stance and any comments now through December 4, 2023 on the members-only PolicyLink website.  

The proposals include:

  • Increasing Healthcare Access for People Experiencing Homelessness in Wisconsin
  • Paid Family Leave Program in Wisconsin
  • Recognizing the Importance of Rural Broadband Internet for Healthcare Access in Wisconsin
  • Supporting Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Offices and Initiatives in Medical Schools and Healthcare Systems in Wisconsin
  • Using Risk Assessment for Equitable Criteria for Blood and Tissue Donations

To participate in WisMed policymaking:

  1. Visit
  2. Login with your WisMed username and password*
  3. Click “Comment on Proposal” from the menu at the top of the page
  4. Select “Comment Period 1”
  5. Click on a blue proposal title
  6. When ready, click on support, oppose or suggest amendments and submit any comments in the text box below
  7. Click “Submit Comment” button at the bottom of the page

WisMed’s Policy Review Committee will review all member feedback at its December 11, 2023 meeting and make recommendations on each proposal to the WisMed Board of Directors. The Board will discuss those recommendations at its January 20, 2024 meeting and make its decisions on whether the proposals are approved, modified, not approved or need further study. Those outcomes will be posted on PolicyLink for member review and feedback.

If you have any questions about PolicyLink or the policymaking process, please contact WisMed Chief Policy and Advocacy Officer Mark Grapentine, JD.

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Tax smart year-end planning

Tax planning written on notebook with calculator and coffee

Let’s face it, taxes are the biggest expense most of us have. Let’s look at some year-end strategies to be tax smart and keep more of our money.

Consider a married couple with $250,000 of income, two kids, a home and $100,000 in taxable investments. What can they do?

  • Add the maximum to a health savings account (HSA) if insured by a high-deductible health plan. The limit is $3,850 individual or $7,750 family, plus an extra $1,000 for each person over age 55. Otherwise, adjust the 2024 contributions to efficiently utilize a flexible spending account (FSA). Approximate tax savings is $1,860 federal + $410 Wis.
  • Time property tax payments. With the current $10,000 cap on federal deductions for state and local taxes (SALT) through 2025, paying property taxes won’t necessarily reduce your federal income tax. However, Wisconsin provides a tax credit worth $300 for paying $2,500 in property taxes each year. If last year’s property taxes were paid in 2022, pay up to $2,500 of this year’s taxes by December 31, 2023 and the remainder by the due date in 2024. Tax savings is $300.
  • Contribute to each child’s Edvest 529 college savings plan. The first $3,860 contributed per beneficiary for 2023 is subtracted from Wis. taxable income. Tax savings is $205 per beneficiary.
  • Realize capital losses in non-retirement investments. In addition to offsetting realized gains, ordinary income can be reduced for an additional tax savings of $720 federal and $159 state with excess losses banked for future tax years.
  • Bunch charitable gifts into 2023 or 2024 if itemizing deductions is possible either year. Boost the charitable tax savings by giving appreciated investments instead of cash so you avoid capital gain taxes. Use a donor advised fund (charitable account) to bunch multiple years of charitable deductions into one tax year. Tax savings depend on individual circumstances.
  • Increase 403(b) or 401(k) contributions to the maximum. Approximate tax deferral is $14,400 federal and $3,180 Wis.
  • Contribute to backdoor Roth IRAs at $6,500 each ($7,500 if at least age 50). Tax savings depend on individual circumstances. For a 40-year-old couple, this annual strategy saves $96,740 in taxes through age 60.

A bit of tax planning each year is easily worth more than $100,000 over time!

This is just part of the strategy for 2023, and we have two ways to learn more. First, download our year-end financial checklist. Next, consider registering for the 2023 tax planning workshop on December 5 at 7:30 p.m. Can’t make it? Register and you’ll receive an email with the replay.

WisMed Financial
Mark Ziety

For personalized help with your financial plan, please contact Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF® 608.442.3750. 

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or tax advice. Please consult with a qualified financial advisor or tax professional before making any financial decisions.

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Legal Assistance for WisMed members - click here to learn more

Apply for a Wisconsin Medical Society office by January 3 - get involved

Apply today for one of several open Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) offices. All nomination materials are due to the WisMed Nominating Committee by Wednesday, January 3, 2024.

Candidates are sought for the following offices:

  • President-Elect for 2024-2025
  • AMA Delegate for 2025 and 2026 (two positions) – Tosha Wetterneck, MD, of Madison (incumbent, eligible for reelection; 2025 and 2026); Barbara Hummel, MD, of Milwaukee (incumbent, eligible for reelection; 2025 and 2026)
  • AMA Alternate Delegate for 2024, 2025 and 2026 (three positions) – Corey Cronrath, DO of Eau Claire (incumbent, eligible for reelection; 2025 and 2026); Tony Thrasher, DO of Milwaukee (incumbent, eligible for reelection; 2025 and 2026); vacant position open for 2024 and 2025

All candidates must submit:

The Nominating Committee will meet Friday, January 19, 2024, at 4 p.m. via Zoom. The Committee will interview and evaluate the candidates for WisMed offices and prepare a slate of nominees for presentation to the membership.

Those serving on 2023-2024 Nominating Committee are:

  • District 1—Arthur Angove, DO; Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD; David Galbis-Reig, MD; Joshua Gershtenson, MD; Cynthia Jones-Nosacek, MD; Anthony Rieder, MD; Robert Ripenhoff; David Tylicki, MD; Katheryn Hope Wilkinson
  • District 2—Delaine Anderson; Amy Doherty, DO; Michael Grajewski, MD; Sophie Kramer, MD; Natalie Wheeler, MD
  • District 3—Hilary Bingol, MD; Michael White, DO
  • District 4—Lopa Kabir-Islam, MD; Michele Montgomery, MD
  • District 5—Joanne Pasiuk, MD
  • District 6—Bradley Burmeister, MD; Kenneth Pechman, MD
  • District 7—Brandon Hidaka, MD, PhD
  • District 8—Leo Bay, MD
  • Specialty Sections—Leslie Abitz, MD
  • Resident/Fellow—Isha Jain, MD
  • Medical Students—Andrew Labott, Medical College of Wisconsin; Greigory Dimailig, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Communications to the Nominating Committee should be addressed to Mike Flesher, CEO, Wisconsin Medical Society, PO Box 1109, Madison, WI 53701. Communications also can be emailed to Stephanie Taylor.

Note: WisMed will post the completed candidate questionnaire and cover letter on the Society’s website. WisMed will post the conflict-of-interest form of all candidates selected by the Nominating Committee as nominees on the website after nomination by the Committee.

For questions or more information, email Stephanie Taylor.

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Apply to be a host site for the Community Health Internship Program

Northern Highland Wisconsin Area Health Education Center (AHEC) works to bring health professions students (future health care professionals) to northern Wisconsin communities this summer. AHEC runs a Community Health Internship Program (CHIP) that matches college students with an interest in community health to local health departments, tribal health centers, community health centers and community/human service organizations throughout urban and rural Wisconsin for an eight-week summer internship. 

The CHIP program is working to involve more community partners to address Wisconsin’s health workforce shortages. Host site organizations designate a mentor to provide technical support, project guidance and connections to job shadowing opportunities. CHIP would not be possible without the dedication and commitment of partner host sites organizations like yours!

Past interns have engaged in host site projects such as program and policy development, monitoring, evaluation, research and education. Interns gain valuable public health knowledge, skills and experience while providing host sites with the capacity needed to strengthen and extend their practice in ways that might not otherwise be possible.

Click here for the program website to learn more. The CHIP host site proposal form for Summer 2024 participation is open now. The 2024 CHIP program is scheduled for June 3-July 26, 2024.

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Wisconsin Literacy seeks a Health Literacy Director

Wisconsin Literacy, Inc. (WL), the leading state adult and family literacy agency in Wisconsin, seeks a Health Literacy Director to help fulfill its mission to change lives by strengthening literacy statewide. WL supports a division, Wisconsin Health Literacy (WHL), which works to improve how people access, understand and act upon health information and services by promoting clear communication between individuals and health care. 

WHL is hiring a Health Literacy Director, who will serve as the primary health communication and health literacy resource. The Director will provide advice, technical assistance and leadership in planning, developing and evaluating statewide health literacy strategies and interventions directed toward a broad audience including health and social service professionals, literacy professionals and health care consumers. Click here for the position description and apply by December 15. Contact [email protected] for additional information.

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