Medigram, the Wisconsin Medical Society’s electronic newsletter for physicians, features timely news, upcoming events, answers to frequently asked questions and the information you need to make your practice run more efficiently. Topics include legislative updates, legal information, practice management information, government regulations, and much more. Medigram is delivered via email on Thursdays.

If you have a Medigram story idea or would like to offer feedback, please email us or call 866.442.3800.

Weigh in on proposed WisMed policies to help guide our advocacy!
Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) member policy proposals are now posted on PolicyLink and are open for members to register support, opposition and/or comments. The comment period for this round of policy proposals will be open through Friday, April 7, 2023.

Raffle at Health & Harmony Foundation Event to support health equity and access
We’re so excited for all of those joining us on the evening of Friday, April 14, 2023 at Health & Harmony. There’s still time to sign up, so get your tickets today!

Retiring as a physician – having the money is just the start
As a physician, retiring can be an emotional transition because it brings about a significant change in lifestyle, identity and financial security. As you approach retirement, it's important to consider some of the top concerns that retiring physicians often face.

Discounted counseling and coaching services for WisMed members
The Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) works to support physicians through every stage of their careers (from medical school through retirement), which is why WisMed is offering behavioral health services options for our members.

Happy Doctors' Day!


Thank you for everything you do to care for your patients and communities!


Weigh in on proposed WisMed policies to help guide our advocacy!

Help shape WisMed Advocacy - share your policy proposals

Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) member policy proposals are now posted on PolicyLink and are open for members to register support, opposition and/or comments. The comment period for this round of policy proposals will be open through Friday, April 7, 2023.

The proposals now available for member input:

  • Gender Transition in Children
  • Expanding Comprehensive Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health Education in Wisconsin
  • Medical Students Deserve Access to Full-Scope Reproductive Healthcare Training
  • Expanding Access to Health Coverage in Wisconsin
  • Expanding Protections for Incarcerated Pregnant People with Substance Use Disorder
  • Expanding Community Safety Measures

To participate in WisMed policymaking:

  1. Visit
  2. Login with your WisMed username and password*
  3. Click “Comment on Proposal” from the menu at the top of the page
  4. Select “Comment Period 1”
  5. Click on a blue proposal title
  6. When ready, click on support, oppose or suggest amendments and submit any comments in the text box below
  7. Click “Submit Comment” button at the bottom of the page

After the close of this comment period, proposed policies will move to the Policy Review Committee (PRC) which will review each proposal and member comments to help inform their recommendation to the WisMed Board of Directors (BOD). The BOD will decide whether to adopt, not adopt or make changes to the proposal.

Have a policy that you want to submit for consideration?
While in PolicyLink click on “Submit Proposal” (in the menu bar at the top of the page) and enter your proposed policy. Policies submitted during this period will fall into the next submission funnel to be posted on July 15, 2022.

For questions about PolicyLink or WisMed’s policymaking process, contact Mark Grapentine.

*PolicyLink requires your WisMed username and password. Click here to retrieve your username or password, or call 866.442.3800 or email [email protected] for assistance.

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Raffle at Health & Harmony Foundation Event to support health equity and access

We’re so excited for all of those joining us on the evening of Friday, April 14, 2023 at Health & Harmony. There’s still time to sign up, so get your tickets today here!

The raffle at the event will include items such as Packer tickets, a kayak, gift cards and more! Please note:

  • Tickets are $5/each or $100 for a wingspan
  • Raffle tickets can only be purchased with a debit card or cash
    • An ATM is on site if needed
  • You must be present to win

All proceeds will support the Foundation’s grant program. Our grants have an overarching goal to improve health in Wisconsin through projects that address health equity and access and support medical education. Learn more about one of our grant recipients from 2022 here. We look forward to seeing you at the event!

Plan your weekend for Health & Harmony, the Wisconsin Medical Society Annual Event:

  • Medical Education Conference - April 14, 9 a.m.
  • Foundation Fundraising Event - April 14, 5 p.m.
  • Annual Business Meeting - April 15, 9 a.m. 

Register here for part or all of the weekend.

The education conference has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and will help learners define social determinants of health inequity and identify strategies to apply Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion into clinical practice encounters and medical decision-making.

Become an exhibitor!

We hope you can join us! Purchase an education conference ticket for just $149 and get one Foundation event ticket for free. Additionally, WisMed members get discounted CME registration! Contact [email protected] to get your coupon code. Register here for part or all of the Annual Event. Please help us spread the word by sharing this article or this Facebook post.

We are excited to offer sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities for Health & Harmony! Exhibitors will spend the day connecting with Health & Harmony attendees from across the state. In addition to the booth, you will have the opportunity to have a table at our evening event allowing for the connection (and fun!) to continue.

Learn more here or contact Mikaela Powers

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Retiring as a physician – having the money is just the start

person jumping across crevasse

As a physician, retiring can be an emotional transition because it brings about a significant change in lifestyle, identity and financial security. As you approach retirement, it's important to consider some of the top concerns that retiring physicians often face.

Financial Planning

One of the biggest concerns for retiring physicians is financial security. You may wonder if you’ve saved enough money to sustain your lifestyle in retirement. Developing a financial plan can give you an idea of the income and resources to fund retirement and live comfortably when the paychecks stop.

Loss of Identity

As a physician, you have dedicated many years of your life to your profession, and it's understandable that you may feel a sense of loss when you retire. Finding new hobbies or activities may give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment outside of work.

Social Connections

Retiring physicians may feel socially isolated, especially if they no longer have the same level of interaction with colleagues and patients. To combat this, consider joining a community group, volunteering or trying new hobbies that will allow you to interact with others.

Health Care Coverage

The availability and cost of health care coverage is often a concern for physicians, especially if they are not yet eligible for Medicare. It's important to explore your options before and after age 65 to ensure that you have the coverage you need.

Estate Planning

Estate planning is an important consideration for all retirees, but it can be especially important for physicians. You may want to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that your family members are provided for after your death.

Staying Active

Retiring physicians may need to find new ways to stay active and engaged in their communities. Consider taking up a new sport, volunteering or pursuing a creative hobby.

Finding Purpose

Retiring from a career as a physician can be an emotional transition, and it's common to struggle with finding a new sense of purpose or meaning in life. Consider exploring new opportunities for personal and professional growth, such as taking classes or mentoring young physicians.

Remember This

Retire to something rather than retiring from something.

For personalized help eliminating debt, investing smart and securing retirement, please contact Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF® 608.442.3750.

WisMed Financial
Mark Ziety

Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF®
WisMed Financial, Inc. part of the Wisconsin Medical Society. 


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WisMed Assure - Insurance Solutions for the health care community

Discounted counseling and coaching services for WisMed members

Marvin pdf

The Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) works to support physicians through every stage of their careers (from medical school through retirement), which is why WisMed is offering behavioral health services options for our members. WisMed has partnered with Marvin to provide confidential counseling and coaching services with flexible hours. Board certified psychiatrists and licensed psychologists are available via teletherapy when you need them.

Initial feedback from Marvin users has been positive. One member noted, “Good speaking with the therapist, helpful.” While another said, “Great scheduling and availability of a female therapist.”

WisMed members can register online to get started or call with questions. Members may choose to pay out of pocket at a special WisMed discounted rate or have the services billed to their insurance. Your initial appointment will be within 72 hours of your outreach. 

To reach Marvin, call 424.322.6881, visit or scan the QR code on the flier.

LifeBridge Physician Wellness Program

Additionally, members of Dane County (DCMS) and La Crosse County (LCMS) Medical Societies can access LifeBridge Physician Wellness Program. This completely confidential offering provides up to six free coaching/counselling sessions per year with a psychologist. Appointments are available via telemedicine and are scheduled within 72 hours.

Members of LCMS and DCMS can learn more and access this member benefit here. For information on how to launch Lifebridge Physician Wellness Program in your county, please contact Jim Lorence.

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