Medigram, the Wisconsin Medical Society’s electronic newsletter for physicians, features timely news, upcoming events, answers to frequently asked questions and the information you need to make your practice run more efficiently. Topics include legislative updates, legal information, practice management information, government regulations, and much more. Medigram is delivered via email on Thursdays.

If you have a Medigram story idea or would like to offer feedback, please email us or call 866.442.3800.

Don’t miss Doctor Day June 15 with keynote from AMA President-elect Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD
Doctor Day is just one week away, but there’s still time to register to learn first-hand how you can make a difference in the legislative process! The day will be full of fantastic speakers, legislative visits and networking.

Your turn to weigh in: board actions on policy proposals
The Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) Board of Directors recently acted on six policy proposals submitted through the PolicyLink portal, which is available at any time to all WisMed members. The WisMed Policy Review Committee (PRC) assesses all proposals, hearing from each author regarding the reasoning for the idea.

Foundation awards $202,000 in scholarships
The Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation (Foundation) has awarded $202,000 in scholarships to 68 students for the 2023-2024 school year. These awards are made possible by physicians, County Medical Societies and families generously giving back to support and encourage the next generation of medical professionals.

Support scientific publication as WisMed representative for WMJ Publishing Board
The Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ) is seeking candidates to serve as the Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) representative on its Publishing Board.

State seeks physicians for Work Comp advisory group
The state of Wisconsin’s Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council (WCAC) is seeking to fill three vacancies for physicians on the Health Care Provider Advisory Committee (HCPAC), which advises the state on worker’s compensation-related treatment standards.

Student loan restart and budgets
With student loan payments scheduled to resume in a couple months, be ready with a fresh budget using only four numbers. Oh, and you can still have money for fun too. Let me show you how.

Rural full spectrum OB physicians asked to share experience for Foundation fellowship research on obstetric care in rural Wisconsin communities
Madeline Hoitink, a second-year medical student at Medical College of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is the recipient of a 2023 Wisconsin Medical Society Fellowship entitled Barriers and Facilitators to Obstetric Care in Rural Wisconsin Communities.

Don’t miss Doctor Day June 15 with keynote from AMA President-elect Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD

Doctor Day capitol image - click here to register

Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH

Doctor Day is just one week away, but there’s still time to register to learn first-hand how you can make a difference in the legislative process! The day will be full of fantastic speakers, legislative visits and networking. Thanks to our sponsors, the day is free for physicians and medical students to attend. Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, president-elect of the American Medical Association, will be speaking to the group in his AMA role; he is also a senior associate dean, tenured professor of anesthesiology and director of the largest statewide public health philanthropy organization, “Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment” at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

Dr. Ehrenfeld’s keynote address will focus on current challenges physicians face as they emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, and what both organized medicine and individual physicians are doing and can do. 

The priority issues this year are Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) Legislation and Extending Medicaid Coverage for New Moms.

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) Legislation – Bills currently up for debate in the legislature would allow for most advanced practice registered nurses (CRNAs, NPs, certified nurse midwives and clinical nurse specialists) to practice independently in Wisconsin. Governor Tony Evers vetoed substantially similar legislation last session, stating in his veto message his dissatisfaction that the bill did not address “concerns raised by parties in the medical profession that went unremedied in the legislative process.” Gov. Evers then used his biennial budget proposal to lay out reasonable provisions that legislation would need to garner his signature. Physician groups agree that many of those provisions are vital if a bill is to be approved, especially:

  • requiring four years of real-world experience in team-based care before being allowed to practice independently
  • inclusion of important truth in advertising/titling protections that reserve terms such as “physician,” “anesthesiologist” etc. for those with a medical degree (MD or DO) and
  • ensuring that any CRNA clinic offering pain management services work in collaboration with a physician specializing in pain medicine.

The legislation just received a hearing in the Senate Committee on Health on May 24 (see this story), so the timing is ideal for physician input. The companion bills (same language in each) are Senate Bill 145 and Assembly Bill 154.

Extending Medicaid Coverage for New Moms to One Year Post-Partum – Another issue that has widespread physician support: extending the time period that Medicaid will cover new moms who have delivered a baby to one year post-partum, matching the coverage newborns receive when the mother is Medicaid-eligible upon delivery. Medicaid eligibility levels are more generous for pregnant mothers, so sometimes a mother “incomes out” of the Medicaid program after giving birth. This disruption harms continuity of care and often makes it more difficult for moms to seek medical care for both themselves and/or their babies – which is usually when comprehensive care is needed the most.

The companion bills are Senate Bill 110 and Assembly Bill 114.

Register today. If you have any questions, contact Heidi Green or Mark Grapentine

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Your turn to weigh in: board actions on policy proposals

Help shape WisMed Advocacy - share your policy proposals

The Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) Board of Directors recently acted on six policy proposals submitted through the PolicyLink portal, which is available at any time to all WisMed members. The WisMed Policy Review Committee (PRC) assesses all proposals, hearing from each author regarding the reasoning for the idea. The PRC then recommends to the Board whether a policy should be adopted, amended, not adopted, etc. After the Board acts, membership has the opportunity to agree or disagree and give advisory feedback to the Board.

The Board’s actions at its May 20, 2023, meeting included recommendations related to:

  • gender transition treatment for minors
  • hospital- and community-based violence intervention programs
  • age-appropriate reproductive health education
  • medical student access to reproductive health care training
  • expanding access to health care coverage
  • expanding protections for incarcerated pregnant mothers with substance use disorder

Feedback for this round will be open through Friday, June 16. Visit PolicyLink to register support, disagreement and/or other comments.

To participate in the comment period:

  1. Visit
  2. Login with your WisMed username and password*
  3. Click “Comment on Proposal” in the top menu
  4. Select “Vote on Board Action”
  5. Click on a blue proposal title – you will see the original proposal, the Policy Review Committee’s recommendation and the Board action
  6. When ready, click on agree, disagree, or neutral in regards to the Board's action and submit any comments if desired in the text box
  7. Click “Submit Comment” button at the bottom of the page

Have a policy proposal you want to submit for consideration?
While in PolicyLink click on “Submit Proposal” (in the menu bar at the top of the page) and enter your proposed policy. Policies submitted during this period will fall into the next submission funnel to be posted on July 14, 2023.

Contact WisMed Chief Policy and Advocacy Officer Mark Grapentine, JD for more information.

*PolicyLink requires your WisMed username and password. Click here to retrieve your username or password, or call 866.442.3800 or email [email protected] for assistance.

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Foundation awards $202,000 in scholarships

The Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation (Foundation) has awarded $202,000 in scholarships to 68 students for the 2023-2024 school year. These awards are made possible by physicians, County Medical Societies and families generously giving back to support and encourage the next generation of medical professionals.

All applications are reviewed by the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee, which carefully weighs each applicant’s financial need, community involvement and personal story to find the best match between deserving students and the qualities that each scholarship fund seeks to encourage and reward.

Each recipient of a scholarship and the physician who wrote their letter of support receives a “legacy page” telling the story of the donor who made their award possible.

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health student Charis Benjamin
Charis Benjamin

After receiving notice of being awarded an Edmund J. and Estelle D. Walker Scholarship, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health student Charis Benjamin wrote a letter of appreciation saying, “Thank you for the generous scholarship to assist in my tuition as I continue medical school. I am so grateful for your commitment to supporting students. I’ve enjoyed my clinical rotations and have an interest in a career in psychiatry to support patients in Wisconsin and beyond. I’m passionate about improving the health and mental health of my patients with compassionate care.

Named scholarship funds currently administered by the Foundation include:

  • Wisconsin Medical Society Presidential Scholar Award, established and funded Current and Past Presidents and Leadership of the Wisconsin Medical Society
  • Future Superhero of Medicine Scholarship, established by 2020 Foundation Superhero of Medicine recipient, Jasmine Zapata, MD
  • Jefferson County Medical Society Scholarship, established by a gift from Jefferson County Medical Society
  • Marathon County Medical Society Scholarship, supported by annual donations from the county medical society and its members
  • Edmund J. and Estelle D. Walker Scholarship, established by Thomas Walker, MD, as a trust to provide an annual distribution to the Foundation for scholarships in memory of his parents
  • Victor A. Baylon, MD, Scholarship, established with donations in memory of Dr. Baylon
  • Goodman-Goodell Scholarship, established by Maurice Goodman, Jr.
  • Robert Jason Gore Scholarship, established by Dr. Donald and Jacquelyn Gore in memory of their grandson, who was killed in Iraq
  • Amy Hunter-Wilson, MD, Scholarship, established by an estate gift from Dr. Hunter-Wilson
  • John D. and Virginia Riesch Scholarship, established by Dr. and Mrs. Riesch through a charitable donation from his Individual Retirement Account
  • Rukmini and Joyce Vasudevan Scholarship, established by Sridhar Vasudevan, MD, to honor his wife and mother

You can support the future of medicine in Wisconsin by donating to the Foundation’s scholarship program. If you would like to learn how you or your County Medical Society can establish a legacy of support for students, please contact Elizabeth Ringle with any questions.

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The Antidote - Timely advice and expert answers to your insurance questions - Click to read the newsletter

Support scientific publication as WisMed representative for WMJ Publishing Board

The Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ) is seeking candidates to serve as the Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) representative on its Publishing Board.

WMJ is a peer-reviewed, indexed, scientific journal published quarterly through a collaboration between the Medical College of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.

Publishing Board representatives are required to attend a two-hour meeting quarterly (held virtually), review journal submissions and be an ambassador for WMJ. The WisMed representative will bring relevant information about WMJ back to WisMed and its membership.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please fill out this brief application. 

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State seeks physicians for Work Comp advisory group

The state of Wisconsin’s Worker’s Compensation Advisory Council (WCAC) is seeking to fill three vacancies for physicians on the Health Care Provider Advisory Committee (HCPAC), which advises the state on worker’s compensation-related treatment standards. The 14-member committee includes at least six physicians and the state is seeking physicians who treat injured workers as part of their practice. Ideal candidates would be:

  • a surgeon treating work comp injuries,
  • a pulmonary specialist (the work comp system continues to see lung injuries due to silica, asbestos and other toxic exposures,
  • a pain management specialist or
  • an occupational medicine physician

The HCPAC meets four times per year, scheduled approximately quarterly. The meetings are held on Fridays and usually last between two to three hours. While the positions aren’t paid, the state can reimburse members for mileage incurred for any in-person meetings (although most meetings over the past few years have been virtual) and you can share your expertise in a way that benefits the nation’s oldest state worker’s compensation program.

The HCPAC advises the state’s worker’s compensation division and the WCAC about modifications to the treatment standards contained in the worker's compensation treatment guidelines (DWD 81 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code). Those treatment guidelines are factors used under state law when determining necessity of treatment disputes in our state’s work comp system. In modifying DWD 81, the HCPAC is to consider clarifying the description of the work comp treatment guidelines, update the guidelines to include new modalities of treatment, procedures and treatment options for classes of injuries included in the guidelines and expand the guidelines to cover new types and classes of injuries.                       

Anyone interested in an appointment to the HCPAC should send a copy of a current résumé or CV by email to Steve Peters, Administrator of the Worker's Compensation Division. For any questions about membership on the HCPAC, contact the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development’s Jim O’Malley via email or telephone 608.267.6704.

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Student loan restart and budgets

With student loan payments scheduled to resume in a couple months, be ready with a fresh budget using only four numbers. Oh, and you can still have money for fun too. Let me show you how.

Want more help with your budget or student loan strategy? Join us for office hours Friday June 16 from 7:30-8:30 a.m.

For personalized help eliminating debt, investing smart and securing retirement, please contact Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF® 608.442.3750.

WisMed Financial
Mark Ziety

Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF®
WisMed Financial, Inc. part of the Wisconsin Medical Society. 

Originally posted May 23, 2023 in The Antidote.

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Rural full spectrum OB physicians asked to share experience for Foundation fellowship research on obstetric care in rural Wisconsin communities

Madeline Hoitink, a second-year medical student at Medical College of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is the recipient of a 2023 Wisconsin Medical Society Fellowship entitled Barriers and Facilitators to Obstetric Care in Rural Wisconsin Communities. Her research examines strengths, challenges and opportunities to deliver high quality obstetric care in rural communities by interviewing physicians to gain their perspectives. 

Madeline and her advisor, Leslie Ruffalo, PhD, will conduct one-on-one interviews with physicians who provide obstetric care in rural areas of Wisconsin. During the interviews, they will ask questions about physicians’ thoughts concerning providing obstetric care to patients that reside in smaller Wisconsin communities.   

If you are interested, please respond with your willingness and availability to complete a one-time interview with Madeline. Her email address is [email protected]If you choose to participate, Madeline will work with you to schedule a time to meet via Zoom, in-person or via phone for 30 minutes to conduct the interview. Your responses during the interview will be confidential and any results that are shared will have your name removed.  

If you have any questions, please contact Madeline’s research advisor, Dr. Leslie Ruffalo, Medical College of Wisconsin Associate Professor, at [email protected].

Please consider supporting important medical research of Wisconsin physicians and students through the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation Fellowship Fund. For more information about this, or any Foundation program, please contact [email protected].

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