Medigram, the Wisconsin Medical Society’s electronic newsletter for physicians, features timely news, upcoming events, answers to frequently asked questions and the information you need to make your practice run more efficiently. Topics include legislative updates, legal information, practice management information, government regulations, and much more. Medigram is delivered via email on Thursdays.

If you have a Medigram story idea or would like to offer feedback, please email us or call 866.442.3800.

Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment announces maternal and child health equity project funding recipients
Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) last week announced the 10 projects set to receive federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding designated for maternal and child health equity projects.

Foundation Fellowship looks at vaccine hesitancy in pregnant and lactating individuals
When Julia Thelen began her medical education at Medical College of Wisconsin, she was excited to be at an institution with such a strong research program and wonderful faculty mentors like Anna Palatnik, MD.

WisMed Assure now offering new health plan to serve all health care professionals
When Chris Noffke began working for WisMed Assure in 2016, he was asked to help strengthen their employee benefits programs and services. Since then, WisMed Assure has launched a new pooled Dental insurance plan with Delta Dental of Wisconsin, a pooled disability plan, an association health plan with WPS and The Alliance and added a dozen new services and assessments.

WisMed affiliate logos now available in apparel store
If you want to purchase Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) merchandise, we are pleased to offer an online store to buy logoed apparel and accessories.

Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment announces maternal and child health equity project funding recipients

Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment (AHW) last week announced the 10 projects set to receive federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding designated for maternal and child health equity projects. AHW is administering ARPA grants, and as it does with all funded partners, will help build the capacity of recipients through educational programs, learning and networking events, and technical and operational assistance tools and resources.

“We want all organizations devoted to the health of the people of Wisconsin to succeed, not just in the project we fund, but in the long-term,” said AHW Executive Director Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH. “Only then will we see real progress in our shared mission of creating a healthier Wisconsin.”

The Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) is proud to be among the grant recipients for a collaborative project between the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW) and the Wisconsin Nurses Association (WNA) to impact equity gaps in the post-partum mental health screening and treatment provided to Black mothers in both rural and urban areas of Wisconsin.

This funding will allow WisMed, in collaboration with PSW and WNA, to launch pilot programs connecting Health Care Professionals (HCPs) with community partners within an urban and rural Wisconsin community. Education of physicians, pharmacists, and nurses will focus on improving the overall care and mental health of Black mothers during and after pregnancy, appropriate medication usage, and awareness around early warning signs of mental health concerns. The group will also aggregate, review and distribute information on community resources and supports to surround the care of expectant Black mothers.

Click here to read AHW’s press release.

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Foundation Fellowship looks at vaccine hesitancy in pregnant and lactating individuals

Julia Thelen and Anna Palatnik, MD with research poster

When Julia Thelen began her medical education at Medical College of Wisconsin, she was excited to be at an institution with such a strong research program and wonderful faculty mentors like Anna Palatnik, MD. When she was awarded a Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation (Foundation) Fellowship award, Julia was able to work with Dr. Palatnik and build on her previous experiences working with community groups focused on women’s health and racial disparities – specifically related to maternal and infant mortality and the different experiences of women within medicine. Through the Foundation’s Fellowship program, students receive a stipend to work on important medical research topics with a mentor. Julia’s project, Vaccine Hesitancy and Trust in Pregnant and Lactating Individuals, specifically looked at whether pregnant and lactating individuals who have higher levels of trust in their physicians are more likely to have received the COVID-19 vaccine and have lower levels of vaccine hesitancy.

“Receiving a grant from the Foundation Summer Fellowship has been a transformative experience in my path as a medical student researcher,” stated Julia. She added, “The stipend I received allowed me to immerse myself in the research process from the conception of my project to the presentation of a poster. Moreover, this grant fostered a sense of validation and connection within the medical community; as the first in my family to work in medicine, this fellowship enabled me to engage in meaningful mentorship with academic physicians and to learn more about how medical research influences patient care. This helped to accelerate the progress of my research and allowed me to present my findings at the Society for Maternal and Fetal Medicine’s International conference this past spring. Without the support of the Foundation Summer Fellowship, my research project would not have been possible, and I am so grateful to have been given the opportunity to improve as a student, as well as to improve care for pregnant people in Wisconsin.”


The research collected retrospective data from 300 pregnant and lactating patients in the Milwaukee area about their relationship with their obstetric provider, their vaccination history, prenatal visits and breastfeeding status. This project specifically investigated the role of health care professional trust and confidence in vaccine hesitancy. Their multivariate analysis did not show that a stronger relationship with an obstetric provider would result in a lower vaccine hesitancy. It did, however, emphasize the complexity of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the pregnant and lactating population.

Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation

The Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation is pleased to offer medical students these important research opportunities. The number of Fellowships we are able to award is completely dependent on annual donation to our Fellowship Program. Please consider supporting important medical research of Wisconsin physicians and students with the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation Fellowship Fund.

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WisMed Financial helps physicians turn concerns about debt, investing & retirement into financial wellbeing.

WisMed Assure now offering new health plan to serve all health care professionals

Employee Benefits notebook

When Chris Noffke began working for WisMed Assure in 2016, he was asked to help strengthen their employee benefits programs and services. Since then, WisMed Assure has launched a new pooled Dental insurance plan with Delta Dental of Wisconsin, a pooled disability plan, an association health plan with WPS and The Alliance and added a dozen new services and assessments. WisMed Assure continues to add services and programs to meet their clients needs.

The team is very excited to announce their next innovation. WisMed Assure will be adding a second Association Health Plan eligible for all health care companies in the Madison/Dane County area. This new Association Health Plan will offer Group Health Cooperative (GHC) of South-Central Wisconsin as the insurance carrier, providing access to GHC clinics and all the UW Health clinics in Dane County plus UW hospital. This benefit offering will be available starting on September 1, 2023. WisMed Assure is proud to have an additional plan option that will better serve our clients in Dane County and surrounding areas.

This option provides HMO rates to our members and those of the health care community. If you’ve ever thought, “We’re a low utilizing group, we don’t really use our health care,” this is a great opportunity to explore. These plans are medically underwritten and can provide a glimpse into your company’s utilization.

If you would like to see how our rates look, please email Chris Noffke, GBDS, CSFS, Vice President of Employee Benefits, at [email protected] or call 608.442.3734. Wishing you the best of your remaining summer!

WisMed Assure

WisMed Assure is the Wisconsin Medical Society’s insurance agency – profits earned support the mission of the Medical Society.

Originally posted August 14, 2023 in the Antidote

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as insurance advice related to your specific policy or situation. Please consult with a qualified insurance advisor or professional before making any policy decisionsFull disclaimer and contact information.

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WisMed affiliate logos now available in apparel store

Sweatshirt with logos

If you want to purchase Wisconsin Medical Society (WisMed) merchandise, we are pleased to offer an online store to buy logoed apparel and accessories. You can choose the Wisconsin Medical Society, Foundation, WisMed Assure or WisMed Financial logo for any of the apparel options. Additionally, you can now get a logoed adjustable hat. 

Click here to check out the store.

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