Medigram, the Society’s electronic newsletter for physicians, features timely news, upcoming events, answers to frequently asked questions and all the information you need to know to make your practice run more efficiently. Topics include legislative updates, legal information, practice management information, government regulations, and much more. Published weekly, Medigram is delivered via email on Thursdays.

If you have a Medigram story idea or would like to offer feedback, please email us or call 866.442.3800.

State Med Board registers concerns with independent nursing bills
The state of Wisconsin’s Medical Examining Board (MEB) voted unanimously to register its concerns over pending state legislation that would allow certain advanced practice nurses to provide patient care independently from physicians. Noting concerns over how the bill could affect the health and safety of the public, the motion also cites the MEB’s desire to “(remain) open to reasonable proposals to advance the state of health care for the citizens of Wisconsin.”

Taste of the Foundation to feature Dr. Zapata and Future Superhero of Medicine Fund
Join your colleagues for A Taste of the Foundation on September 23 at 7 p.m. to hear from Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH. Dr. Zapata will be talking about the importance of supporting students from underrepresented minorities on their journeys to become physicians and why it matters.

Physician and med student input needed for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion survey
The Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) task force is currently collecting survey data from physicians and medical students in the state. Data is so important to understanding the environment facing physicians in the state and all Wisconsin physicians and medical students are encouraged to fill out the survey and share it with colleagues and other medical groups in the state.

What to look for when hiring a financial advisor
Everyone experiences life changes or difficult times that require tough decisions. Unless the next steps are obvious, it’s easy to freeze up and do nothing. Maybe it’s because of uncertainty, an overwhelming number of options or a lack of understanding.

State Med Board registers concerns with independent nursing bills

The state of Wisconsin’s Medical Examining Board (MEB) voted unanimously to register its concerns over pending state legislation that would allow certain advanced practice nurses to provide patient care independently from physicians. Noting concerns over how the bill could affect the health and safety of the public, the motion also cites the MEB’s desire to “(remain) open to reasonable proposals to advance the state of health care for the citizens of Wisconsin.”

The action was taken August 18 at the MEB’s monthly meeting, held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The bills in question are companion proposals Senate Bill 394 and Assembly Bill 396 – legislation that nursing organizations are terming “modernization” bills, but actually create new laws that could fracture our state’s successful physician-led, team-based system. The Wisconsin Medical Society (Society), numerous physician specialty societies and both state medical schools continue to strongly oppose the bills, which received public hearings in the State Assembly and State Senate health committees in late July (see this July 29 Medigram story for more).

The Society continues to urge all physicians to contact their state Assembly Representative and State Senator, asking them to support physician-led health care by rejecting SB 394/AB 396. Physicians can find their elected representatives’ contact information on the state legislature’s home page.

In other action, the MEB approved two new administrative rules:

  • Extending opioid prescribing-related CME as part of physicians’ 30-hour biennial requirement for the November 1, 2023 license renewal date. For that upcoming license biennium, physicians must take at least two credits of MEB-approved courses. According to the updated rule, “(t)he subject matter of a course . . . shall pertain to responsible prescribing of opioids and other controlled substances, with an emphasis on informed consent of all patients on opioid therapy and other controlled substances.”
  • Updating the timeline for when a physician must notify the MEB that they have been convicted of a crime. The new requirement makes it unprofessional conduct for failure to notify the state’s Department of Safety and Professional Services within 48 hours of an entry of judgement of a conviction of any crime.

In a bit of a surprise, the MEB did not discuss a possible rule requiring physicians to have chaperones when performing sensitive physical exams (as first reported in this April Medigram story). MEB chair Sheldon Wasserman, MD, said that he would like to have the MEB meet in person at their September meeting in order to facilitate a face-to-face discussion about the issue. If the MEB decides to move ahead with preliminary chaperone language, there will be an opportunity for public input at a future meeting before the MEB finalizes any decision.

Contact Society Chief Policy and Advocacy Officer Mark Grapentine, JD, for additional information.

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Rogers Behavioral Health

Taste of the Foundation to feature Dr. Zapata and Future Superhero of Medicine Fund

Taste of the Foundation, September 23, 7pm, virtual, Special Guest: Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH

Join your colleagues for A Taste of the Foundation on September 23 at 7 p.m. to hear from Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH. Dr. Zapata will be talking about the importance of supporting students from underrepresented minorities on their journeys to become physicians and why it matters. She partnered with the Foundation to create the Future Superhero of Medicine Fund to help build a more diverse physician workforce in Wisconsin and to improve health equity and decrease health disparities across the state. Dr. Zapata will also answer questions about her role as Chief Medical Officer and Epidemiologist for Community Health at the Department of Health Services.

Attendees will enjoy great wine from Stoller Family Vineyards and paired cheese from Fromagination in Madison. Register by September 9 to ensure delivery. There will also be an online auction which will go live September 16. Watch future issues of Medigram for additional details.

Proceeds support the mission of the Foundation which is to advance the health of the people of Wisconsin by supporting medical education and health care initiatives.

Please contact Marje Murray with any questions.

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Physician and med student input needed for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion survey

The Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) task force is currently collecting survey data from physicians and medical students in the state. Data is so important to understanding the environment facing physicians in the state and all Wisconsin physicians and medical students are encouraged to fill out the survey and share it with colleagues and other medical groups in the state. The task force will convene again at the end of September and hopes to use this information to inform an equity plan for the Wisconsin Medical Society.

Please contact Marje Murray with any questions.

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WisMed Assure can help with all of your Employee Benefits needs, including resources and employee handbook creation.

What to look for when hiring a financial advisor

WisMed Financial

Everyone experiences life changes or difficult times that require tough decisions. Unless the next steps are obvious, it’s easy to freeze up and do nothing. Maybe it’s because of uncertainty, an overwhelming number of options or a lack of understanding. What happens if I do X as opposed to Y? I could do X, Y, Z or nothing at all. This is all a foreign language to me.

We often don’t get to choose when and where we confront these decisions. Sometimes they sneak up on us, like a divorce or an unplanned retirement. Are you at a point where you need to find a financial professional to help you move past a tough phase or decision? Or do finances seem like a foreign language and you need an interpreter?

The trouble is that it seems like everyone is calling themselves a broker, adviser, planner or financial professional. How do you know who to choose?

  • Are they a fiduciary? Most people in the financial industry are not required to put your best interests first, but a fiduciary is legally obligated to do so.
  • How are they are paid? This alone can tell you a lot about their motivation. Earning a commission probably means they’re selling a product. Fee-based means they can switch between commission and fee at will. Fee-only means they work for you and never earn a product commission.
  • Are they independent? Non-independent or captive employees represent a brokerage company or insurance line. You have a better chance of getting what’s best for you by working with an independent advisor.
  • Do they have the right credentials? See why a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional may be the best choice for you. Click here to get the guide.
  • Do they specialize in clients like you? If they already help people like you, chances are they have the expertise to help you too.

For personalized help with your finances, please contact Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF® 608.442.3750.

WisMed Financial

Mark Ziety, CFP®, AIF®
WisMed Financial, Inc. part of the Wisconsin Medical Society.

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