Medigram, the Society’s electronic newsletter for physicians, features timely news, upcoming events, answers to frequently asked questions and all the information you need to know to make your practice run more efficiently. Topics include legislative updates, legal information, practice management information, government regulations, and much more. Published weekly, Medigram is delivered via email on Thursdays.

If you have a Medigram story idea or would like to offer feedback, please email us or call 866.442.3800.

Your generosity makes a huge impact!
The Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund has provided financial support to 28 Wisconsin medical students with more than 30 students waiting for aid.

Society partners with statewide coalition for PSA
The Wisconsin Medical Society (Society) joined a broad coalition this week to release a public service announcement that promotes wearing masks, practicing physical distancing and handwashing as effective methods to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Wisconsin.

2020 virtual House of Delegates, Reference Committees
The 2020 Wisconsin Medical Society House of Delegates (HOD) will convene on Saturday morning, August 22 at 9 a.m. using an online Zoom platform.

Provider relief fund deadline extended
The deadline for eligible Medicaid and CHIP physicians and organizations to submit information and apply for funding from the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund has been extended to August 3, 2020.

COVID-19 virus biology - next virtual Town Hall
Join David O’Connor, PhD, UW Medical Foundation Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, July 29 at 12:15 p.m. O’Connor will present on the virus biology of COVID-19.

Help develop healthtech that works for physicians via OnRamp Healthcare virtual conference
The Wisconsin Medical Society and WisMed Assure are again partnering with gener8tor to host the OnRamp Healthcare Conference.

Prepare for flu season with PPE for health care teams
The Wisconsin Medical Society (Society) encourages clinics and health care facilities to ensure they have sufficient PPE inventories to protect their patients and staff when the flu season hits coupled with continuing COVID-19.

Medical Examining Board elects new officers
At its most recent meeting last Wednesday the Medical Examining Board (MEB) elected new officers. Sheldon Wasserman, MD, FACOG, was elected to be Chair of the MEB, Sumeet Goel, DO, was elected Vice Chair, and Clarence Chou, MD, was elected Secretary.

New WisMed OnCall: You need an emergency fund!
An emergency fund can be thought of as personal insurance for unexpected expenses.

Recommended by Wisconsin Medical Society CEO Bud Chumbley, MD, MBA


In this Volume One article, Wisconsin physician Jan Stauss, MD, compares the successful approach to managing COVID-19 in Germany compared to Wisconsin.

“The prime minister in Bavaria, however, felt that given what is at stake for public health and the economy, a face mask mandate as a minor inconvenience was justified to make sure that the achievements of the lockdown would not be lost and that the enormous sacrifices by the people would not have been in vain.”

And Wisconsin Medical Society CEO Bud Chumbley, MD, MBA, was on WTMJ radio to discuss Wisconsin’s current health care staffing regarding COVID-19 and how we can all help prevent our health systems from being overwhelmed. Doctor Chumbley emphasized the need for everyone to wear a mask, wash their hands and watch their distance (at least six feet of physical distancing).

Your generosity makes a huge impact! 

The Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation (Foundation) COVID-19 Response Fund has provided financial support to 28 Wisconsin medical students with more than 30 students waiting for aid. Andrea Niño de Guzman Ramirez, a second-year medical student at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, shared her story of being a medical student during the pandemic:

“I am writing to express my gratitude to the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation and their committed donors. Like many physicians in training, I am not immune to the repercussions associated with the global pandemic that we are experiencing. I am writing this reflection in hopes of shedding light on the reality I have battled in the last couple of months and the impact your donations have in supporting students like myself through the emergency fund created by the Foundation.

Immigrating to Wisconsin from Mexico brought many challenges for my family. At the age of thirteen, I was confronted with a new culture, language, climate and education system. Having Spanish as my native language meant I had to invest additional time and effort to catch up to my peers to succeed in academics. My family prioritized education, therefore, my mother returned to school to improve her English literacy and subsequently become certified as a medical interpreter. By returning to school my family’s income became less stable. Supporting myself during college placed fewer burdens on my family, so I worked an average of sixteen hours per week, six days a week all while balancing academics, leadership and extracurricular activities. In 2017 my father was dismissed from the job that brought my family to this country. Since then my family has faced financial instability and additional stress. Following my college graduation, I had to postpone medical school applications and balance two jobs to afford MCAT preparation materials and seek financial independence from my parents. Being on my own and supporting my education has been challenging, yet comforting, knowing my parents can work fewer hours and not deteriorate their physical and mental well-being.

My family has recently invested their life savings to a small business by opening a restaurant in downtown Milwaukee. The restaurant opened in January 2020, and we could have never foreseen the global pandemic that has since disproportionately impacted small business owners. The stress and uncertainty have heavily affected my family. Without stable clients, my family’s business never got the chance to pick up. As a medical interpreter, my mom is on the forefront working extra shifts to make ends meet as the stable income in the household. My parents continue to work long hours without a foreseeable end to the pandemic. I see how their health is deteriorating from the stress and long working hours without me being able to help. Unlike many of my young adult counterparts, I do not have a stable job and its income to help support my family through these difficult times. And as immigrants, we do not have family members close by or a community to rely on during the pandemic. My family is struggling day to day, and to say it does not take a toll on me would be a lie. To make matters worse, I recently fractured my femur from a fall. All I could think about while sitting in the emergency room was the financial burden I would be to my family during this difficult time. I feared the medical costs associated with surgery and additional consultations would bring my family to the breaking point.

To say I am grateful does not encompass the magnitude of the impact your donation has made in my journey. Like my experience, there are many other physicians in training experiencing financial hardship and are unable to financially rely on loved ones. According to the CDC, racial and ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 with higher hospitalizations among Black, American Indian or Alaskan Native, followed by the Hispanic population. With higher incidence of COVID-19 among these communities, there are both financial and emotional burdens that impact minority medical students. Having family members financially or medically impacted by the pandemic equally impacts the medical trainee and their well-being. Minority students carry this stress which can impact their academic performance and most importantly their well-being. Moreover, the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has isolated individuals from resources and support. Medical students are expected to continue excelling in the academic aspects of their training while they are facing instability at their core. The financial barriers associated with medical education for far too long have prevented aspiring physicians with great potential from pursuing a career that was out of reach. But now more than ever I am grateful that we can come together and support the most vulnerable members of our medical community disproportionately affected by the pandemic.”

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Foundation’s COVID-19 Response Fund! Please click here to learn more or to contribute.

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Society partners with statewide coalition for PSA 

The Wisconsin Medical Society (Society) joined a broad coalition this week to release a public service announcement that promotes wearing masks, practicing physical distancing and handwashing as effective methods to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Wisconsin. The coalition was comprised of the Wisconsin Hospital Association, Wisconsin Safety Council, Wisconsin Counties Association, Wisconsin Realtors Association, Wisconsin Restaurant Association, Wisconsin Grocers Association and Wisconsin Builder’s Association.

The PSA is running on stations across the state this week and is posted online here and via social media. The Society encourages everyone to share the PSA widely and to use the hashtag #LetsGoWI.

Additionally, the Society wrote an open letter this week to Wisconsin’s residents along with 20 other health care partners emphasizing the “three W’s” of wearing a mask, watching your distance and washing your hands, as some of the most effective ways to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Please contact HJ Waukau with any questions.

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2020 virtual House of Delegates, Reference Committees 

The 2020 Wisconsin Medical Society House of Delegates (HOD) will convene on Saturday morning, August 22 at 9 a.m. using an online Zoom platform.

Please note these important details for participating in the HOD:

  • Delegates must register to ensure they will be certified to represent their county medical society or special section at the upcoming HOD.
  • Only certified delegates/alternates will be issued voting information for the HOD.
  • The link to register for the HOD will be sent to your preferred mailing and email address.
  • The Society must have your current preferred mailing and email address by July 28.
  • Voting credentials will be sent via email.

Any delegate unable to participate in the HOD must notify Wisconsin Medical Society as well as their county or specialty section so that an alternate delegate can be credentialed as a delegate in their place.

Please contact Stephanie Taylor with any address changes or change in delegate status.

Reference Committees

Reference Committee hearings to discuss resolutions and other items of business that will be considered by the Wisconsin Medical Society’s House of Delegates will be held Saturday, August 8 at 9 a.m. via GotoWebinar.

To join the Reference Committee hearings, you must register in advance. Click here to register.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information to join the Reference Committee hearings. The Reference Committees will convene at 9 a.m. and will run consecutively in the following order.

  • Reference Committee A: Health Insurance Coverage and Access
  • Reference Committee C: Organization and Finances
  • Reference Committee B: Quality and Clinical Outcomes

Virtual Reference Committees

Virtual Reference Committees are available on the House of Delegates WisMed Community page.  The site will be open for comments until noon, August 7, 2020.

*Member login is required for WisMed Community. Contact [email protected] for help logging in or for information about membership.

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Provider relief fund deadline extended 

The deadline for eligible Medicaid and CHIP physicians and organizations to submit information and apply for funding from the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund has been extended to August 3, 2020. Eligible physicians who have not already received payment from the Provider Relief Fund may receive payment of at least 2 percent of reported gross revenue from patient care, and the final amount will be determined based on submitted data, including the number of Medicaid patients served.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) created this fact sheet to explain the application process and answer frequently asked questions.

Physicians who primarily care for patients with Medicaid and CHIP coverage and received a small amount of money from the automatic Medicare allotment in April because they treated one or two patients with ESRD are ineligible to apply for this round of funding even if they rejected and returned the money. The American Medical Association alerted HHS to this issue and HHS is working on a policy to address it.

Please contact HJ Waukau with any questions.

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COVID-19 virus biology - next virtual Town Hall 

David O’Connor, PhD, UW Medical Foundation Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Join David O’Connor, PhD, UW Medical Foundation Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, July 29 at 12:15 p.m. O’Connor will present on the virus biology of COVID-19. Erik Gundersen, MD, FAAFP, will be the host guest star for the last session in this series. Click here to register.

If unable to attend the town halls, Wisconsin Medical Society members now have exclusive access to the recordings and past town hall presentations in the “library” section of WisMed Community, and can be accessed by signing in here.

The new town hall series will start on August 5 and will occur bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m. Separate registration is required for this new series and can be completed here.

Please email Anne Hauer with any questions.

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Help develop healthtech that works for physicians via OnRamp Healthcare virtual conference

The Wisconsin Medical Society and WisMed Assure are again partnering with gener8tor to host the OnRamp Healthcare Conference. OnRamp Healthcare brings together corporations, investors, startups and members of the health care team with the goal of lowering cost, increasing access and improving outcomes. The August 12 virtual conference is for anyone striving to change health care for the better and it’s free to attend this year!  

Physicians are needed to join “Clinic Hours” to provide insight and feedback about healthtech to startups. There are more than 500 diverse healthtech startups for you to explore. Specific themes include:

  • telemedicine
  • clinician workflow efficiency
  • patient advocacy in mental health and wellness

If you are interested in providing valuable input to innovators, we need you to participate. Contact Laura Jacobs or Shawna Bertalot for more information.

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Prepare for flu season with PPE for health care teams 

PPE ordering

The Wisconsin Medical Society (Society) encourages clinics and health care facilities to ensure they have sufficient PPE inventories to protect their patients and staff when the flu season hits coupled with continuing COVID-19.

The Society is pleased to announce that ActionPPE found a different manufacturer for the KN95 masks. There were concerns that some of the Moke KN95 are loose fitting. ActionPPE has partnered with Haite for KN95 masks which provide a better fit. The new KN95 masks are now available on the website

There is no minimum order, and the PPE ships directly to the buyer!

The Society is proud to share that 17 states are now participating in the ActionPPE program. Ultimately, this will decrease cost and may allow for additional products to be available in the future. 

It is the Society’s honor and privilege to provide a venue to meet this great need.

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Medical Examining Board elects new officers

Sheldon Wasserman, MD, FACOG Sumeet Goel, DOClarence Chou, MD
L to R: Sheldon Wasserman, MD, FACOG,   Sumeet Goel, DO,   Clarence Chou, MD

At its most recent meeting last Wednesday the Medical Examining Board (MEB) elected new officers. Sheldon Wasserman, MD, FACOG, was elected to be Chair of the MEB, Sumeet Goel, DO, was elected Vice Chair, and Clarence Chou, MD, was elected Secretary. The Wisconsin Medical Society congratulates all three members on their elections and looks forward to continued partnership with the MEB.

It is worth noting that Dr. Wasserman is the first MEB Chair to serve non-consecutive terms with two different Governor’s administrations. Additionally, the incoming members of the MEB will make it one of the most diverse boards in the state’s history not just in terms of ethnicity, race and gender, but also geography and specialty focus. This will allow the MEB to make decisions quicker and to be reflective of the members of the house of medicine.

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New WisMed OnCall: You need an emergency fund!

WisMed OnCall podcast logo

An emergency fund can be thought of as personal insurance for unexpected expenses.

In this eighth episode in the series presented by WisMed Assure and the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation, UW School of Medicine and Public Health medical student Rufus Sweeney and former Wisconsin Medical Society COO Peter Welch, explore why you need to set up an emergency fund, how to go about doing it and when to use it.

Allied Bank: Savings and Term Deposits
9 Best High-Yield Online Savings Accounts of July 2020 – nerdwallet

You can subscribe to Wisconsin Medical Society's podcast in iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts.

Related blogs by Rufus Sweeney:
To Buy or Not to Buy: a personal challenge
Financial Wellness Matters
Is Your Money Unemployed? Replace budgeting with goal setting and give your money a job
Different Kinds of Debt: the good, the bad, and the just-don’t-do-it!

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