Medigram, the Society’s electronic newsletter for physicians, features timely news, upcoming events, answers to frequently asked questions and all the information you need to know to make your practice run more efficiently. Topics include legislative updates, legal information, practice management information, government regulations, and much more. Published weekly, Medigram is delivered via email on Thursdays.

If you have a Medigram story idea or would like to offer feedback, please email us or call 866.442.3800.

Zapata a Superhero of Medicine
Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH, was nominated for the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation’s Superhero of Medicine award for her work to reduce disparities and help inspire a more diverse health care workforce. She will receive the award via Facebook Live tonight at 7:00.

Physicians Foundation physician wellbeing and COVID-19 survey
The Physicians Foundation is surveying physicians across the country to understand how physicians are affected by and are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2020 Virtual House of Delegates Meeting – this Saturday, August 22 at 9 a.m.
The deadline to register for the 2020 House of Delegates (HOD) is today!

Raymond shares expertise with business community
The Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) has partnered with Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce to provide accurate, actionable information to Milwaukee-area businesses during the pandemic.

OnRamp Healthcare draws virtual crowd
More than 200 participants virtually attended the OnRamp Healthcare conference opening sessions on Wednesday, August 12.

Taxes & deductions – don’t overpay
You can significantly impact your finances with just some strategic tax planning.

Recommended by Wisconsin Medical Society CEO Bud Chumbley, MD, MBA


Misinformation has made the already difficult task of managing the coronavirus pandemic even more difficult. Although people sometimes don’t even trust physicians, their expertise and patient relationships can help to combat confusion regarding COVID-19 and public health.

This New York Times article explores the spread of false information.

Zapata a Superhero of Medicine


Jasmine Zapata, MD, MPH, was nominated for the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation’s Superhero of Medicine award for her work to reduce disparities and help inspire a more diverse health care workforce. She will receive the award via Facebook Live tonight at 7:00.

In planning for this event Dr. Zapata modestly made it clear that she believes the people on the frontlines fighting the coronavirus are today’s true Superheroes of Medicine. This is of course true, but this crisis has also brought attention to the public health crisis of racism.

Janine Stephens wrote in 2018 “Dr. Zapata is a dynamic author, physician, youth empowerment specialist and community leader. She launched a branch of The Ladder, a national mentorship program geared towards reaching a diverse population of students interested in the health field. She founded the Madam Dreamers Academy, a virtual mentorship program that supports more than 1,000 minority young women on the path to medicine across the nation. She is also the founder of Beyond Beautiful International Girls’ Empowerment Movement.” When asked who Dr. Zapata’s nemesis was – because all superheroes have a nemesis! – Renee Moe of United Way of Dane County named racism and bias in health care and society. Now more than ever the Foundation is proud to recognize a Superhero fighting these enemies.

Superheroes also have allies, and Dr. Zapata will recognize one of her own heroes in tonight’s program, Ms. Jackie Hunt of F.O.S.T.E.R. Marje Murray, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation said, “Just talking to Dr. Zapata makes people want to do and be better. Her work to both inspire and enable young women from underrepresented minorities to think about careers in medicine will truly change the face(s) of health care. We know that this alone will help fight the virus that is racism.” Dr. Zapata so inspired the Foundation that another collaboration will be announced in October.

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Physicians Foundation physician wellbeing and COVID-19 survey

The Physicians Foundation is surveying physicians across the country to understand how physicians are affected by and are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the second of three surveys. Results will be shared with policymakers, legislators, the public and national media outlets; and will be tabulated both from a state and national perspective.

The survey takes less than five minutes to complete and includes an opportunity to win a $500 Amazon gift card. Please take the survey to ensure that the Wisconsin physician voice is included in the results. Click here to complete the survey.

The Physicians Foundation is a national, not-for-profit seeking to advance the work of practicing physicians and facilitate the delivery of high-quality health care to patients.  It is composed of more than 20 state and regional medical societies nationwide.

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2020 Virtual House of Delegates Meeting – this Saturday, August 22 at 9 a.m.

The deadline to register for the 2020 House of Delegates (HOD) is today! Delegates and alternates have received registration information via email and must register to be certified to represent their society. Only certified delegates/alternates will be issued voting information for the HOD.

If you have questions or need registration information, please contact Noreen Krueger today.

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Raymond shares expertise with business community

John Raymond, MD, MCW President and CEO and Wisconsin Medical Society Member

The Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) has partnered with Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce to provide accurate, actionable information to Milwaukee-area businesses during the pandemic.

John Raymond, Sr., MD, MCW President and CEO and Wisconsin Medical Society Member, and other MCW staff have shared their expertise with the community through this ongoing webinar series.

Previous webinars can be found here and registration for the Tuesday webinars can be completed here.

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OnRamp Healthcare draws virtual crowd

OnRamp Healthcare

More than 200 participants virtually attended the OnRamp Healthcare conference opening sessions on Wednesday, August 12. Sponsored by the Wisconsin Medical Society (Society) and WisMed Assure, the conference brought together hundreds of venture capital groups, health care corporations, health tech startups, physicians and other members of the health care team.

More than 600 individual meetings took place, including nine meetings of the Society’s “clinician hours” team of member physicians, who provided valuable feedback to nine health tech startups.

The Society and WisMed Assure supports OnRamp Healthcare because education, access and opportunities created by this conference are another form of advocacy for physicians and patients; that will provide better quality, lower cost and better patient access.

Watch future issues of Medigram for information about next year’s conference.

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Taxes & deductions – don’t overpay

WisMed OnCall podcast logo

You can significantly impact your finances with just some strategic tax planning.

In this tenth podcast in this series presented by WisMed Assure and the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation, medical student Rufus Sweeney and former Wisconsin Medical Society COO Peter Welch discuss how to avoid overpaying income tax. They explain why it is important for you to understand the difference between marginal and effective tax rate and this single piece of knowledge can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your career.

White Coat Investor® – Tax Strategists
Physicians Practice® – 5 critical tax planning strategies for physicians

You can subscribe to Wisconsin Medical Society's podcast in iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts.

Related blogs by Rufus Sweeney:
To Buy or Not to Buy: a personal challenge
Financial Wellness Matters
Is Your Money Unemployed? Replace budgeting with goal setting and give your money a job
Different Kinds of Debt: the good, the bad, and the just-don’t-do-it!

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